University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate
IGCSE is a balanced international curriculum which is designed to encourage high academic standards through a practical approach to teaching and learning.
The curriculum consists of a course of study leading to an examination which is typically taken at the age of 16. Successful students receive an internationally recognized qualification, the International General Certificate of Secondary Education, which is equivalent in standard to the international GCE Ordinary level and British GCSE examinations.
The curriculum is suitable for students of all nationalities and all levels of ability. It provides an ideal preparation for higher level courses such as the Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), international GCE Advanced Level, SAT and APT, International Baccalaureate, and for vocational training and employment.
IGCSE is used by schools in over 100 countries throughout the world and has been recognized as a qualification for matriculation purposes by universities in the United Kingdom and in many other countries.
IGCSE covers a broad range of subjects with syllabuses which are regularly reviewed to keep pace with developments in educational practice and to meet the needs of schools throughout the world.
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
IGCSE examinations lead to the award of one of eight grades (A*, A, B, C, D, E, F, G) in each subject. The highest grade is A* which matches A* in British GCSE examinations. Grades A, B and C are equivalent to the corresponding grades in the international GCE Ordinary Level and British GCSE examinations.
IGCSE certificates list results in all subjects in which the candidate has gained a grade G or better. Candidates who fail to achieve the minimum satisfactory standard of work in a subject will not be given a grade in that subject.
In most subjects, candidates take examinations at one of two levels: Core or Extended. The extended level is designed for candidates of higher academic ability who are expected to achieve grades A*, A, B and C, while the less demanding Core level provides for candidates who are expected to achieve D, E, F and G.
International Certificate Education (ICE)
The ICE is awarded to candidates who pass in seven or more IGCSE subjects, including two from Group I and one from each of Groups II to V. Successful candidates are placed in one of three categories:
Distinction: Grade A* or
grade A in five subjects and grade C or better
in two subjects;
Merit: Grade C or
better in five subjects and grade F or better in two
Pass: Grade G or better in seven subjects;
IGCSE examinations are conducted by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES). The examinations consists of a variety of tests and are not limited to conventional written papers. Examinations in nearly all subjects include the option of projects, oral or practical work which may be assessed by the students’ own teachers.
Extensive training is given to teachers before they carry out the assessment of their students’ work. This training is available both in the form of courses held in Cambridge and elsewhere, and in Distance Training Packs for teachers who are unable to attend a training session.
The assessment carried out by teachers is checked by external examiners appointed by UCLES, in order to ensure consistency of standards among schools.
IGCSE is administered by UCLES. Specialist staff in the IGCSE Office co-ordinate the work of examiners. Subject offices and administrative staff to ensure the smooth running of the examination, and are available to provide information and advice to schools and other institutions.
IGCSE can only be taken by students at schools which are registered with UCLES. Schools which wish to register should contact the Information Unit at UCLES.
Examinations are held in May / June and November each year. Nearly all subjects are available in both of these sessions.
The University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) has provided international examinations of the highest quality since 1863. Today it’s a world leader in education assessment, with schools and colleges in more than one hundred countries throughout the world following courses leading to its examinations. Over one million candidates appear for UCLES examinations through recognized local centers