THE DIPLOMA Programme, is designed for highly motivated secondary school students age 16 to 19, it is a demanding pre-university course of study that leads to examinations. It has earned a reputation for rigorous assessment, giving IB diploma holder access to the world’s leading universities. The Diploma Programme’s grading system is criterion-referenced, which means that each student’s performance is measured against well-defined levels of achievement. These are consistent from one examination session to the next and are applied equally to all schools.
It incorporates the best elements of national systems, without being based on any specific one. Internationally mobile students are able to transfer from one IB school to another. Students who remain closer to home benefit from a highly respected international curriculum.
Students share an academic experience that emphasizes critical thinking, intercultural understanding and exposure to a variety of points of view.
The Diploma Programme Curriculum, The curriculum is modelled by a hexagon with six academic areas surrounding the three core requirements. Over the course of the two-years programmes students :
- Study six subjects chosen from the six subject groups
- Complete an extended essay
- Follow a theory of knowledge course ( TOK )
- Participate in creativity, action, service ( CAS )
Normally :
- Three of the six subjects are studied at higher level (courses representing 240 teaching hours)
- The remaining three subjects are studied at standard level (courses representing 150 teaching hours)
Gateway to top universities in USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, Switzerland, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, India etc.