Library Objectives :
The GMIS School Library provides information, inculcates ideas, and develops knowledge that is so essential to functioning successfully in today’s information and knowledge based society. It is fundamental to school library to equip students with lifelong learning skills and develop in them creative thinking and imagination, and enabling them to live as ideal and responsible citizens.
Thus, the school library is the hub of all the activities planned and executed in school. This will be used by students to prepare for their next class period, home examination, general education, information, competitions, recreation and inspiration. To cater to the wide varieties of demands of students, teachers and staff it has to select and procure the prescribed/recommended text-books and other reading materials from different sources, technically process it by making use of a standard scheme of classification, catalogue will be provided, organize the collection on scientific lines, circulate the documents and disseminate the information in the manner most liked by the students and teachers. In addition, the school library is serving as a resource centre as well. Functioning and working with students, teachers, administrators and parents, the GMIS library aim to achieve the mission of the school, promoting reading and the resources and services of the school library to the whole school community.
- Books, pamphlets, periodicals, magazines, AV materials, CD-Rom and computer with internet facilities.
- A good selection of fiction for wide reading.
- Books and magazines for sports, hobbies, educational strategies, current affairs and other special interests.
- audio-visual room, educational audio.
- The library also functions as the archive of all co-curricular activities, important dignitary visits, graduation and other school related activities.
- Teachers may bring entire classes or send individual students to the library for research during class periods.
- Teachers should make arrangements for class research with the library in advance and notify the library before sending individual students.
- Students will only remain in the library for the amount of time needed to complete research.
- For individual and small group visits to the Library during class time, studnets must have a permission note signed by the subject teacher unless it is a library period. To insure that each student can pursue his research or reading, an environment conducive to learning is important, therefore, talking in low voice tones only is permitted.
- When leaving the Library, chairs need to be put back under the table and resources should be returned to their proper shelves. All books, folders and papers to be shown to the person on duty at the door or circulation desk.
- Students can barrows not more than two (2) books at a time for not more than two weeks and must be returned on or before the due date. There will be a fine for overdue books. Penalty of Rp. 200,- per day shall be imposed on overdue books.
- Teachers can borrow not more than fifteen (15) books at time not exceeding one month (text books not included).
- Lost, unreturned or damaged resources must be paid promptly so that a replacement can be bought.
Process for resource attainment for the library:-
- The resources of the library are attune to the need and the requirements of the teaching learning process in all levels
- Apart from the basic requirements of the fictional and non fictional books the resources or their need is informed through the staff, teachers, supervisors and coordinators.
- The process of attaining resources would be as follows:
- Request- from students, parents, the staff, teachers, supervisors and coordinators.
- Request forwarded to the librarian or to the Vice Principal depending on the type of resource.
- Locating the availability- the Vice Principal is in-charge of getting in touch with the publishing houses or dealers to locate and check the availability of the requested resource.
- The ultimate approval would be given by the Principal based on the recommendations of the Vice Principal.
- Book can be ordered when publishing houses approach the school in this case the vice Principal and the librarian would be in-charge.
- Books can also be brought by the teachers on the Principal’s specific instruction
- Purchasing of resources would be according to the purchasing policy of the school.
Process for borrowing books from library
- Present your library card to the counter in borrowing the books.
- Teachers/ staff will receive confirmation letter or regular reminder from library for books borrowed after the due date is over.
- For renewal (re-issue), bring the books to the Library. No books, may be renewed more than twice consecutively.
- Library cards are non-transferable, persons who use other cards will accountable for loss or any damage
- Borrowers must check the condition of the books (i.e. torn pages or loose binding, due dates, etc. borrowed before leaving the counter).
- Under certain conditions reference materials may be taken out overnight but MUST be returned to the library before 7:30 a.m. the next morning.
- The Library looks after all grades in the school, its space and resources have to be shared.
- Courtesy, appropriate behavior and silence are expected at all times.
- Students need to show their advisor a research pass signed by a subject teacher for admittance to the library staff or librarian.
- Bags, food and beverage are not permitted
- Library is no cell phones using zone.
- Non academic Games are not allowed.
- Recommendation / Teachers, students, staff and parents
- Request
- Location / Vice Principal
- Approval / Principal
- Purchase / Financial / Accounting
Monday to Friday : 7:00 – 16:00 and Saturday : 8:30 – 12:00
Review:- The library policy, rules and regulation would be reviewed at the beginning of every new session. In exceptional cases the review would be undertaken on specific instruction from accreditation bodies.