The IB PYP is an international framework which is relevant, challenging and engaging for children in the 3-12 age range. The program focuses on the total growth of the developing child, affecting hearts as well as mind and addressing social, physical, emotional and cultural need in addition to academic welfare.
At the heart of the PYP philosophy is a commitment to inquiry as the ideal vehicle for learning. Inquiry engages students actively in their own learning and it is believed that learning takes place best when it is connected to what is genuinely a component of the world around the student. Keeping with this philosophy, children at GMIS are encouraged to explore ways of investigating environment and discovering through material and concepts to find answers to questions generated by them and their teachers.
Each year, students work on six units of inquiry which are taught in a cross curricular or trans disciplinary way incorporating all the different areas of study and relevant skills and concepts. Children explore these units of inquiry under the trans disciplinary themes as shown in the PYP model :
- Who We Are
- How We Express Ourselves
- How We Organize Ourselves
- Where We Are In Place and Time
- How The World Works
- Sharing The Planet
These themes have global significance for all students in all cultures and offer the students an opportunity to explore the commonalities of human experience. The students make connections and contributions, and deepen their understanding through the perspective of their personal and cultural experiences.
An explicit expectation of the PYP is that successful inquiry will lead to action, initiated by students as a result of the learning process. Students at GMIS are encouraged to identify appropriate action and reflect upon the action they undertake. This action may extend the students own learning, or it may have a wider social impact and will clearly look different within each range.
Grade 5 students, as the culmination of their PYP experience at GMIS participate in the PYP Exhibition. They work on group and individual inquiry projects that require theme to synthesize their learning and have a better understanding for all aspects of the PYP.

Download Brochure IB PYP Programme
Key findings from research on the Primary Years Programme
Parent Pack Frequently asked questions about the Primary Years Programme
The IB Primary Years Programme Programme at a glance